
Last January David Delgado and Alexis.K. Marion — on separate occasions — had encounters with a pothole at 3rd and June streets. Well, thanks to LAPotholes, David and Alexis have had their claims paid by the city.  Here’s what David wrote:

“It seemed like the case was delayed because it took about 2 months and i never heard anything. so i went to the Los Angeles Bureau of street services and got a copy of all the times that street was serviced. they then sent me a letter 2 days later where they disclosed that the city was going to pay and that was it.”


You also might remember the massive pothole in the alley behind Frank Barich’s property in San Pedro. Here’s the latest from Frank:

On 4/2/13, I made another call to: 1-800-996-2489 x11 and emailed  bss.boss@lacity.org. The potholes were finally repaired 5/02/2013. Thank you very much for your assistance. I really appreciate your concern.
Frank Barich

Remember the giant pothole on Fierro St. (cross street San Fernando Rd) in Glassell Park? We queried Jackie Ramirez to find out if the pothole had been repaired. Her response: “Yes, it has. Thank you so much!”
