It’s been more than a year since I’ve updated L.A. Potholes — there’s so many new potholes and wrecked streets in L.A. that I just about gave up trying to document them. And the streets just keep getting worse. A perfect example: the intersection of Franklin and Whitley in Hollywood. This has to be one of the worst intersections in the city (no, strike that, Exposition and 37th Street near USC is the worst); there’s a major dip there with potholes, ruts, and broken concrete that makes driving through the intersection an epic adventure at anything over 5 MPH. Several calls to the City have been to no avail. Up in the hills there’s a street that has so many ripples, potholes and broken concrete that a year-old motor mount in a friend’s Mini Cooper was so stressed that it had to be replaced.
I was thinking of starting a website w/ pictures of potholes from in and around LA. You beat me too it. 🙂 I live in Laurel Canyon and think the roads where I live are possibly the worst in the city. Combine that with a stiff German suspension (M3 w/ 19″) and frustration soon rears it’s ugly head. I’ve lived all around this country and must say that the roads here are the absolute worst. To think that frigid, ice laden, streets of the mid-west and east coast are in much better shape than here is a testament to the gross neglect. [end rant]
Thanks for the useful info. It’s so interesting
I was thinking of starting a website w/ pictures of potholes from in and around LA. You beat me too it. 🙂 I live in Laurel Canyon and think the roads where I live are possibly the worst in the city. Combine that with a stiff German suspension (M3 w/ 19″) and frustration soon rears it’s ugly head. I’ve lived all around this country and must say that the roads here are the absolute worst. To think that frigid, ice laden, streets of the mid-west and east coast are in much better shape than here is a testament to the gross neglect. [end rant]