LA Potholes

The streets of L.A. are a mess. In some heavily trafficked neighborhoods it seems as if you can’t go a block without hitting a pothole or a rough stretch of road. The right lanes on Wilshire Boulevard in the Miracle Mile in both West and East directions, Third Street between Rossmore and La Brea, Sunset Boulevard between La Brea and Vine, Beverly between La Cienega and San Vicente, Olympic between Spaulding and Century Park East, Pico Boulevard from Century City to Sawtelle, just to name a few.

Here’s some of our current favorites:


800 S. Mansfield


Two views of the intersection of Ridgely and Wilshire


Third and Rimpau (Status: repaired)


Franklin and Bronson (Status: repaired)


A bad stretch of Third Street

Time to fight back.

Let’s give City Hall a message: Fix our streets.

It’s your turn. E-mail us with a picture of your favorite pothole or bad stretch of road, and we’ll post it to this Blog and forward it on to the powers that be. Use this handy Pot Shots outline for describing your pothole, and send it to

Approx. size:
Length of time it’s been there: is not responsible for any injuries, damages or death … while shooting photographs. Please look both ways before taking photos.

One Reply to “LA Potholes”

  1. I hit a pothole merging/entering the sepulveda tunnel underpass from the LAX airport it was sooo bad that under the car was damaged and my allignment was thrown off. I was lucky not to have had a reck.

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